Russian Women Features: Modern Guide On Russian Women

Almost every guy in the world has heard about the godlike beauty of Russian ladies. But not lots of men know what they’re like as people: their likes/dislikes, habits, hobbies, and unique features. With more than 77 million girls from all corners of Russia, it’s wrong to say they’re the same. However, the mentality and overall upbringing are similar no matter the region in Russia.
If you decide to find and date a Russian girl, these points are a must-read! This article has gathered all information about Russian women personality. So without further ado, let’s dig deeper and see what these ladies hide up their sleeves.
Russian personality traits displayed in public
The personality of traditional Slavic women allows them to act differently in public and in private. Let’s take a closer look at how they behave around others:
They prefer not showing emotions
Sitting on an electric train or grocery shopping— you won’t notice a smile on local ladies’ faces. Not because they’re depressed or serious, but rather for the reasons of Russian politeness. Russian mail order brides think that being excessively emotional in public is bad form. They choose to contain their happiness or sadness until they come home. Seeing a Russian unapologetically smiling on the street is great luck!

They love good drinks
Russian girls are big fans of delicious liquor. If you go out to any nightlife spot, you’ll see women trying out new seasonal cocktails, picking a great wine, or sipping on some sour tequila shots. Typical Russian girls aren’t afraid to drink with strangers, as long as the company consists of nice people. Their deep inner world unfolds as they drink: the first stage of “drunk” allows them to have fun, laugh, and party. If they drink a bit more, their melancholic side will show. And if a Russian lady trusts you enough, she may even tell her deep life story!
They’re both patriots and individualists
Russian women character is somewhat contradictory to itself. These women are passionate about their cultural and historical heritage—they’re full of national pride and aspirations of freedom. Local girls annually celebrate historical holidays (9th of May,) go to military parades, and will go out of their way to protect the status of being Russian. However, local women hate when foreigners lump all Russian together. Remember to treat each of them as a respected individual.

What are Russian women like in private?
Marrying a Russian girl means clearly understanding they’re much more delicate and loving when there’s just the two of you together. Russian character traits make these women a bit reserved in their feelings and emotions. Take a closer look at the difference between average Russian women in private:
They’re protective
Lots of guys who married Russian women proved that local women are life-keepers. Once you begin dating them, they’ll always do their most to protect you and keep you safe and comfortable. Russian temperament makes local women one of the best parents that can protect and teach important skills.
They’re vulnerable and gentle
What at first may look like a strong-willed and impregnable woman, is actually a caring and reserved lady. One of the most unique Russian women features is their gentle nature that can only be seen once you get to know them closer. Local girls are super friendly and loving with people they consider close.

They’re romantic and intelligent
So why are Russian girls so pretty and smart? Because girls in Russia escape from boring reality into the world of literature and knowledge. Russian schools start teaching kids classic literature from the 4th grade, so your beloved girl can probably cite Pushkin or Bulgakov. Don’t be shy to ask traditional Slavic women about interesting things they know—they love expanding someone’s knowledge!
Can Russian personality traits help you while meeting local girls?
Of course they can! Surely, each woman will have her own worldview, but some things are simply engraved in Russian society. By knowing some rules and peculiarities of the local mentality, you can make your first encounter with Russian women more comfortable and effective.